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Supporting Young Women in South Asia

South Asia

As a Pakistani-woman owned business, Cary NC-based Shamim Beauty Parlor is dedicated to supporting non-profits locally and globally. One of the areas we particularly focus on is women’s empowerment. We are honored to partner with North Carolina-based non-profit Local to Global Human Development that is dedicated to empowering people in North Carolina and in South Asia and the Middle East, where they have developed organic relationships.

We are proud to sponsor young women in Pakistan pursuing leadership in healthcare and other field. Check out amazing blog-posts by young women professionals ranging from reducing maternal and infant mortality in Pakistan to bridging the divide in healthcare access through telemedicine. We believe that giving an opportunity to youth dedicated to social justice in the developing world and linking them to organizations/institutions around the world is the best way to bring meaningful change. We thank Local to Global Human Development for their dedicated work.