We are excited to launch an email newsletter in order to inform you of upcoming offers, discounts, and promotions. One of the best rewards for serving Cary, Raleigh, and the broader Triangle area of North Carolina for 18 years is that we have made wonderful friendships 🙂 Therefore, we decided to launch an email newsletter! We would be excited to keep you updated about promotions and new services. Shamim Beauty Parlor receives media highlights and we would love to share the news of our recent accomplishments with you!
Our patrons have frequently requested different services including wedding planners, photographers, florists, and other services. Consequently, we have decided to compile a list of services/events our clients would be interested in. We would like to inform you about area resources, including wedding/event planners, photographers, and boutiques. Furthermore, we have decided to add information about dance/yoga classes, and recreation opportunities in the Triangle area 🙂 Since Shamim Beauty Parlor is a woman-owned business with a deep commitment to women empowerment, our priority is to highlight the work of women-owned businesses in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Contact us at info@shamimbeautyparlor.net if you would like to be featured in our newsletter. We look forward to an exciting partnership with you 🙂
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